No Equipment Needed

Its 8 days into the New Years and so far so good when it comes to eating a whole lot healthier. One of the things that come to mind is to keep exercise and eating in their own separate world. I’ve heard it before and nothing original on my part but exercise is get us in shape and eating a nutritious diet will shed the pounds. Yes combining the two most definitely is the ultimate and ideal but how many times have I used exercise as an excuse to eat unhealthy? Thinking or saying that I can just ride the bike an extra 30 minutes or so? More times than I can remember. So far it makes it easier to handle those cravings when I no longer think I can use one to cancel out the other.  I was reminded just the other day while out and about on a photo walk that no equipment is needed when it comes to exercise and it can be very spontaneous and unplanned throughout the day. Not looking for the close parking spot at the grocery store and walking to the convenience store within reason instead of driving are two of the many ways I plan on squeezing some extra reps into my workouts. I would love to hear about some of your thoughts and ideas about your routine and what works for you.

Early morning workout along the bayfront

Early morning workout along the bayfront

About seemyphotos

Craig Carter is a freelance travel and landscape photographer. He truly enjoys traveling and capturing interesting perspectives of travel destinations local and beyond.
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2 Responses to No Equipment Needed

  1. joedalio says:

    Since I have no fancy equipment at home and gym membership has no motivational value for me, this exactly what I do. I teach upstairs at my school, and the office is downstairs. During my break I will purposely run errands to the office or simply take a walk around the school.

    I leave my push up helpers in plain view in my basement so when I check something down there I’ll spend 5-10 minutes at a time to do pushups. It’s little things like this that add up for me 🙂

  2. As long as you walk around a lot in your house and get some exercise walking/jogging outside, you will lose wieght. Plus a diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, dariy, and leans meats/fish/lentils will be another good choice as well.

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